
“Government of idiots”: O’Leary schimpft, CEO of Ryanair: “Germany is for the next year at the Arsch!”

“Government of idiots”: O’Leary schimpft, CEO of Ryanair: “Germany is for the next year at the Arsch!”

Michael O’Leary, the CEO of Ryanair, said German policy had spoken out and predicted dire Australians: “Germany is for the next day of the year.” The activity takes advantage of O’Leary’s Rage-Modus.

Michael O’Leary, head of Ryanair, leads the Bundesregierung in an interview with as well as “Regierung von Idioten” and warf den Grünen vor, “nur Bullshit-Lösungen” zu bieten. Er äußerte zudem Skepsis gegenüber zukünftigen Regierungen: “Ich glaube nicht, dass die nächste Bundesregierung besser sein wird”, et des commentaires, Deutschland sei “am Arsch”.

Germany has a “beschissensten Luftfahrtmärkte in Europa”. O’Leary scored high level and price, for 58 euros for Passagier liegen, was selected to go to the schlechten market in Corona. “Als Zugangspunkt zur Hauptstadt der grand Wirtschaftsnation Europas est la BER dysfunctional,” said co-CEO Eddie Wilson, O’Leary is in charge of the Regionalflughafen.

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