
Aggressive patient at the Zahnarztpraxis practice in Jena – Polizei einschreiten!

Aggressive patient at the Zahnarztpraxis practice in Jena – Polizei einschreiten!

Vorfall Körperverletzung, Vandalism
Clock time 2:47 p.m.
Ort Jena
Verletzte 1
Ursache Termination

In the event of a sudden fall in Jena, the police must be involved in the Donner police department, as well as an aggressive patient in a private clinic in the North. The 38th day, after the end of the session, we will be able to provide you with more information about the end of the article, react with the instructions given by the Praxispersonal.

The situation escalated, as the man is 46 years old and has a long-term pension. Happy people will find themselves there during a security manipulation operation. Doch das war noch alles: Beim Verlassen der Zahnarztpraxis beschädigte der wütende Patient auch die Eingangstür, was die Lage weiter verschärfte. The police is only an emergency station whose mission is to create a man in the surrounding region.

Police authorization

Jena police attack Vorfall and eingeleiteten Maßnahmen. Solche aggressiven Ausbrüche en medizinischen Einrichtungen sind alarmierend et werfen Fragen zur Sicherheit des Personals auf. La Zahnarztpraxis selbt von den Vorfällen betroffen, während die Ermittlungen weiterlaufen. The Vorfall is not in the Mitarbeiter, but it probes the patients in angry practice.

Ort des Geschehens

What is the analysis, this merger is the best: 6
Comments analyzed in social media: 12
Number of requests analyzed: 34