
You have the best card with the Boosterpack and you will find them all

You have the best card with the Boosterpack and you will find them all

These are the best Boosterpacks for Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Pokémon TCG Pocket is a very structured matching game that is perfectly suited to mobile games. Zum Start gibt es mit ‘Timeless geneA unique set, elaborate map and models, which are perfect for the new gameplay.

The main features of Pokémon TCG Pocket

  1. Deck Size and Tiling Frame: The decks are available in 20 cards and Pokémon, but they are also KP and Angriffswerte in the classic version of the TCG. The focus is on schnellen configurations and clever combinations.
  2. Three types of Boosterpack: Boosterpacks come in three implied types – Mewtu ex, Ex Pikachu And Glurak ex. Jeder Typ enthält Karten für individual Strategien. Welches Pack ihr für bestimmte Karten öffnen müsst, erklären wir euch en ce Guide.
  3. Simple gameplay: Dank vereinfachtem Ressourcenmanagement steht die Strategie im telpunkt, ohne den Spielfluss zu bremsen.

Should Welches Pack help you choose the best card?

Die Meta will act strikingly from men ex-Karten geprägt, die in the Boosterpacks enthalten sid. Create the best decks on one card and combine it with passenden support cards. Many strategic strategies have been defined here during the rapid construction of Angriffen and/or Angriffe One-Hit-KO, which allow you to quickly create Pokémon with an additional Angriff können.

The best card in the Mewtu-Pack

Naturally, Mewtu was created for one of the decks’ best cards.

The Mewtu-Boosterpack is ideal for gamers*, as shown below. Psychic and Meta-Decks konzentrieren möchten. This is an old card that allows you to combine other types of Pokémon. The Decks work with a Mewtu-ex and a Guardevoir which dominate the current meta with the Synergy of both cards.

Arktos-ex is in Wasserdecks it is believed to be with the Pokémon’s ‘Blizzard’ attack on the Bank of Gegners Schaden zufügt. Giovanni’s trainer card is not yet available, as it has already activated Pokémon +10 Break Points.

This is the best card:

  • Mewtu-ex
  • Gardevoir
  • Arktos-ex
  • Bisaflor-ex
  • Gengar-ex
  • Knogga-ex
  • Dragoran
  • Tauboss
  • Jeans

The best cards in the Pikachu pack

Misty is a stark card, which is found in this deck.

The Pikachu-Booster is rich in games*innen, die schnelle, aggressive Decks mit Electronic and Water Pokémon bevorzugen. This is a star base-Pokémon and other Trainer card, which is in a new Deck that is unmatched.

Pikachu-existing as Basis-Pokémon has the first runde einsetzbar and can take it out of the game until it is enriched. Misty develops the energy build for water Pokémon and is essential for many very powerful water combinations. Dabei is also Golking who believes, but there is only one energy point for the attack of the “Gefährliches Horn” which is welcome.

This is the best card:

  • Pikachu-ex
  • Arkani-ex
  • Golking
  • Tortok-ex
  • Garados
  • Zapdos-ex
  • Foggy
  • Rocko
  • Major Bob

The best card in the Glurak-Pack

I recommend Angriffe Setzen, this Boosterpack is rich for you.

The Glurak-Booster is rich in games*, including Feuer-Decks sixteen or a Starkes, offensive deck bauen wollen. C’est enthält Karten, die für hohe Angriffswerte et schnelle Schadensausgänge bekannt sind. Zu nennen here is Glurak-ex, the largest Schaden in the current meta austeilt and Damit Pokémon with a besieged Schlag cann.

Lavados-ex-cann euren Pokémon auf der Bank helfen, Energiepunkte aufzubauen. Starmie-ex is in Wasserdecks sehr gefragt, weil es 130 KP besitzt et mit nur 2wei Energiepunkten 90 Schaden austeilen kann. While the credit card is waiting here, Sabrina asks that the Gegners’ active Pokémon be in the bank first.

This is the best card:

  • Glurak-ex
  • Lavados-ex
  • Starmie-ex
  • Kokowei-ex
  • Sabrina
  • Pyro
  • Erika

Where is your card? Find a location: Discover Boosterpacks

The Reddit-Nutzer ‘MeNoHabloEspanol’ has an interesting thing to discover, in the zeitgeist, instead of which Boosterpack has a card in a game that he can use. This list shows all cards with the current ‘Unschlagbare Gene’ set – and is not only in the stars, but also available Pokémon and a trainer card.

When you get higher quality cards, you can see them here, while the Boosterpacks of the created cards are available, so the packs are available, throughout the company. So I have a clear overview of your card, which allows you to find your card.

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Likewise, if you are looking for an original card or a simple sampling in your own region, Boosterpacks have many possibilities, to make the card available, to this day.

But then the way a deck is not mounted on the card itself is in place, as if it were combined. The Spaß is now Öffnen der Packs and is now an ultimate strategy!

Have you ever had a perfect deck? Last of these are some people!