
Intel is the best, I want the new graphics cards to be available

Intel is the best, I want the new graphics cards to be available

Intel has not finished the Termination for the Showcase, except Kommenden Battlemage-GPUs are used.

Nur einen Tag, nachdem the Veröffentlichungstermine for Intels kommende Battlemage-Grafikkarten durchgesickert sind, meldet sich der Hersteller nun selbst zu Wort – et bestätigt zumindest Teile der Vorabinformationen.

The official “Intel Gaming” channel on I ran through a 20 second clip with a single preview on a graphics card, the “bald” one on the market like this.

Available information will be released in an Intel Showcase presentation on December 3.

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There has been a leak, best Intel given the likely leak of relevant Battlemage generation terminals.

  • Auch yesterday took place on December 3 at the end of the waiting period for the Intel Arc B570 and Arc B580 generation.
  • And then the Verkaufsstart for the upcoming Grafikkarten preisgegeben: So the Intel-Referenzkarte – as well as “Limited Edition” begins – on December 12 in the Handel trade.
  • A tag was used by the Boardpartner with your custom templates. While Asrock, Gunnir and Biostar are still in place, partner support does not seem very optimistic.

3:47 p.m.

Intel Arc, Raptor Lake and Co.: the highlights of Intel InnovatiON

As the Arc B570 release date indicates, BMG-G21-Chips mitsamt 18 Xe2-Kernen are also likely to be detected in bisherigen leaks. Immerhin deutet die Menge an Xe2-Kernen auf 136 Compute Units hin, ansonsten helt sich die Gerüchteküche bei der the B570-Variante vollständig bedect.

Please note that you will be able to find out more details about the Arc B580, which are always included in the following instructions:

  • So in the Arc B580 the BMG-G21 breaks down, here with 20 Xe2 cores, which can reach 160 compute units. The maximum speed is 2.85 GHz.
  • 12GB GDDR6 memories are the best. The 192-bit interface offers a transmission speed of 19 Gbps, resulting in a bandwidth of 456 GB/s.
  • First benchmarks for the Arc B580 presented by a synthetic study on the RTX 4060 Ti.
  • The price of the Arc B580 is the highest of the advantages of the American supplier: 250 US dollars per Intel for the purchase of the Battlemage-GPU. Please note that the prices in Germany are valid, but they are not known.

While the price must be the Arc B580 for lessons and technical dates in each country, a real Konkurrenz workshop in Schaffen? Last one Einschätzung gern in den Kommentaren da!